Friday, November 6, 2009

55 Mmm

I should be studying for corpfin. Oh coffin coffin.

But.. I've spent a good amount of time today thinking about what I want S to help me get in Paris. And, I've also spent another great amount of time, thinking about what I wanna buy in HK and NY. The list just goes on and on.

This seems to happen every semester whenever the study period draws closer. I start drafting my list of things to buy to reward myself for slogging like mad. More often than not, in the end, the list is nothing but a psychological comfort tool. I don't really end up getting those items. In my mind I own them.. In reality, that's a different story.

But, this semester, I am going to turn some of these into reality. It's about time. T_T

I want a Goyard St. Louis. Pink, dark blue or green. Thinking about this is almost as exciting as the idea of meeting GWSH. I have been wanting this bag for years. o.o Not kidding. And the list goes on.. I want a Muse 2, a Bays clutch and a Bal City.

Omg. I am going to eat cheese and biscuits till Jan 2011. Excited!!!

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